Accept hotspot WiFi payments using our system.

Automate your PPPoE payment process

Streamline your internet billing with our PPPoE billing system! Automate user provisioning, simplify invoicing, and gain real-time insights – all in one secure platform. Boost efficiency, reduce errors, and keep your customers happy with a hassle-free billing experience.

Why use our PPPoE billing system?

Our PPPoE billing system is designed to help you manage your internet billing more efficiently. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • 5x

    More happy clients

  • 94%

    On-time disconnections

  • 5x

    more efficient purchases

Claims and figures based on specific teams using Centipid Technologies at their companies. Results may vary at your organization.

How our PPPoE billing system works

Reduce errors and save time with our PPPoE billing system, here is how it works:

1. Create packages

Create PPPoE packages on the system according to your preference.

2. Create users on the system

Create users on the system and configure the clients' routers to connect to the PPPoE server.

3. User notifications

The system will notify the user of the upcoming expiry of their package and notify them of payment methods conveniently.

4. Monitor payments

Monitor payments made by users and manage the packages they have purchased.

Frequently asked questions

We can configure the PPPoE server for you at no additional costs.

Yes, you can monitor the payments made by users on the system. You can also manage the packages they have purchased.

You can create PPPoE packages on the system. You can set the price, duration, data limit and limit the number of devices for each package and user.

We have an in-built sms and email notification system that you can use to send notifications to users.

Yes, the client gets connected automatically to the internet after successful payment.

We currently support M-Pesa, Airtel Money, PayPal, and bank transfers.