Changing DNS Servers on MikroTik Router

Changing DNS Servers on MikroTik Router

This tutorial guides you through two methods for changing the DNS servers on your MikroTik router: using the Winbox graphical interface...

March, 05 2024

This tutorial guides you through two methods for changing the DNS servers on your MikroTik router: using the Winbox graphical interface and using the command line interface (CLI).


  • Access to your MikroTik router's Winbox interface or CLI.

  • Knowledge of the new DNS server IP addresses you want to use.

Method 1: Using Winbox

  1. Download and install Winbox: Download and install Winbox from the official MikroTik website:

  2. Connect to your router: Open Winbox, enter your router's IP address in the "Connect to" field, and click "Connect."

  3. Login: Enter your username and password and click "Login."

  4. Go to IP settings: Navigate to IP > DNS.

  5. Change server: Click the "Server" tab.

  6. Add or edit servers:

    • To add a new server: Click the "+" button, enter the new DNS server IP address in the "Address" field, and click "OK".

    • To edit an existing server: Click the desired server entry, change the IP address in the "Address" field, and click "OK".

  7. Enable caching (optional): Click the "Cache" tab and check the "Allow remote requests" box if you want your MikroTik to cache DNS queries and improve response times.

  8. Apply changes: Click "Apply" to save the changes.

Method 2: Using CLI

  1. Connect to your router: Connect to your MikroTik router using SSH or the serial console.

  2. Login: Enter your username and password and press Enter.

  3. Change server: Enter the following command, replacing [new_dns_server_ip] with the actual IP address of the new DNS server:

/ip dns set servers=[new_dns_server_ip]

  1. Enable caching (optional): Enter the following command to enable DNS caching and allow remote requests:

/ip dns set allow-remote-requests=yes

Execute commands: Press Enter to execute each command.

Additional Notes:

  • You can add multiple DNS servers by separating their IP addresses with commas in both methods.

  • MikroTik offers additional DNS configuration options in the Winbox interface and CLI. Refer to the official MikroTik documentation for more details:

  • Remember to replace [new_dns_server_ip] with the actual IP address of the DNS server you want to use.

By following these steps, you can successfully change the DNS servers on your MikroTik router and improve your internet experience. Still need help? Contact us



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